From the Civic Art Gallery in Ascoli Piceno, after being in Montreal and New York, the Annunciation painted by Guido Reni arrives for the first time in Sicily
In Nicosia from 31 May to 5 November 2017
An absolute masterpiece of seventeenth-century art, "by all the virtuosos admired for one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful of its beautiful paintings" - as the ancient sources attest - reaches in the heart of Sicily and becomes a testimonial of the Marxist artistic heritage Struck by the earthquake with the exhibition Guido Reni and the magnificent beauty. Masterpieces from Ascoli Piceno, promoted by the City of Nicosia, together with Pro Loco, Confcommercio, Diocese of Nicosia and the Civic Art Gallery of Ascoli Piceno, and by Stefano Papetti, Director of the Civic Picture Gallery of Ascoli Piceno, and Antonio D'Amico, creator of project. The aim of the exhibition is to support the Marxian territory wounded by the recent earthquake that has devastated the center of Italy, and to fund the restoration of an earthquake-damaged ascolan territory.
The sum of beauty of the timeless art of Guido Reni arrives in Nicosia along with two other coats of the caravans Giacinto Brandi with Blessed Bernardo Abate and San Benedetto Abate, coming from the church of Sant'Angelo Magno, from where they were removed in Following the damage caused by the earthquake of October 30, 2016.
The Marche works find an exceptional location within the Church of San Calogero, a gem to be rediscovered from the Sicilian baroque built at the end of the 17th century by the Brotherhood of Santa Maria degli Agonizzanti.
The Annunciation of Guido Reni does not come at random in Nicosia where there is a fascinating presence of seventeenth-century works such as those of Jusepe de Ribera called Spagnoletto, Pietro Novelli called Monrealese and Salvador Rosa, kept in the Cathedral, but also the extraordinary frescoes That the Flemish Guglielmo Borremans left in the church of San Vincenzo at the beginning of the eighteenth century, as well as not entirely secondary is the presence of copies of good works that recall compositions of Bolognese artists such as Domenichino and for precisely Guido Reni, whose fame is Extends throughout the peninsula. In the Annunciation it is extraordinary to admire a truly high-yielding effect that is found in the care of details and in the attention to tactile values ​​expressed in the meticulous pictorial transcription of jewels that adorn the announcer's angel, soft hair, cloths The atmosphere of the landscape that opens in the center of the scene.
The two canvases that Giacinto Brandi sent from Rome in 1662 for the church of Sant'Angelo Magno depict instead two columns bearing the Benedictine order and appearing connoted by a feeling of strong devotion, reflecting in the clarity of the influence of Mattia Preti, l 'Calabrian artist who completed his long and prolific artistic career in Malta and sent several works in Sicily that are still on the island today.
The exclusive exhibition of Nicosia, in the heart of Sicily in the province of Enna, is therefore an important and significant event not to be missed because art helps the wounded art to rise from the ashes of a quake that devastated our cultural heritage that Represents an identity to be proud of.